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Universal Energy Movement

6000 followers are waiting for Luong Minh in Geneva. But their master is in prison


Switzerland & Regions Saturday, 16th January 1999

Emmanuelle Michel

Everything is ready to welcome them. Gigantic sound system, 17 translation booths and 7000 seats are installed in the hall 7 of Palexpo centre, waiting for the followers of Spiritual Human Yoga (SHY) movement, better known under its older name of Human and Universal Energy. The organizers didn't skimp on expenses for their first international congress. "Our investment totalled over 300 000 francs, explains Tri-Thien Nguyen, the responsible for 12 SHY centres in the French-speaking Switzerland. Entrance tickets (80 francs per person) should be enough to cover all costs." Hotels around the airport are already booked out. The association has rented civil defence shelters for the most destitute followers, namely the Russians and Africans. Six thousand hand-picked are expected to attend: only the most initiated ones can join this inner circle.

But these most devoted ones risk to be disappointed. Having flocked to Geneva from five continents to meet their spiritual guide (master) Luong Minh Dang, they would have to content themselves with some less prestigious speakers, as their Master was actually detained in Brussels. Taken for questioning by the police when he was finishing an "energy" seminar with over 1000 participants, Master Dang was yesterday charged with fraud and illegal medical practice. Investigators have already found traces of 40 million francs of honorariums (1.7 million Swiss francs) that he pocketed in recent years on the Belgian territory from the accounts of SHY association in Brussels. Known for stringency towards sects, examining magistrate Damien Vandermeersh does not seem to be willing to let such a nice pray escape him. Master Dang is thus more likely to spend his weekend bolted instead of enjoying time on the shores of Lake Geneva.

A quasi-god
Belgian Justice was right to get concerned. Founded some ten years ago by Luong Minh Dang, the movement now accounts about a million of adepts and has 67 associations around the world. A tremendous success for this 1942 born Vietnamese that emigrated to the United States in 1985, settling in the state of Missouri. Venerated as a quasi-god by his following, this self-proclaimed healer advocates a therapy on the basis of breathing techniques and laying of hands, using which he claims to heal anything, from cold to the Alzheimer's disease, including hair loss and AIDS. Inspired by some yoga theories, the method is based on "injecting universal energy into the organism and unblocking energy channels". In return for pay, anyone can be taught to treat own dear ones. Broken down into six levels, the teachings of Master Dang are quickly assimilated. Two hours is enough to get done with level one and move on to level two. Beginning with level five, one becomes an instructor herself and can treat unlimited number of patients within seconds. It would be strange for such a movement not to grow at exponential rates!

Quite wisely, Master Dang encourages his followers to avoid asking money for their services. He neither demands to stop using medicines if using energy treatments. But the limits are vaguely defined, thus often neglected. So some patients refuse traditional medical assistance when treated with energy. Specialists on sects see this as principle source of the sect's danger.

Master Dang has recently predicted the end of the world for January 29, then for August 11, 1999. These rumours are falsified by the movement leadership. "That's total confusion, Tri-Thien Nguyen replies with irritation. Master Dang has never predicted an Apocalypses! If one believes this rumour, waters should rise on the August 11th and drown all those who did not take refuge in high places. At the same time, Master Dang is organising a big congress in Holland for September, just a few meters from the dams!"

January 29th date is more enigmatic. Master Dang declared that vibrations will be increased on Earth this very day, marking the entry into the fourth dimension. This is a deadline for those who use energy for negative purposes (the definition rests unclear), after which they will lose all the powers they gained previously. "This prediction is only about Universal Energy followers", clarifies Tri-Thien Nguyen. So it will only be an internal manoeuvre for restoring order among the troops. This way Master Dang can justify ostracising some contestant dissidents inside the movement. Quite far from being an Apocalypses.

In the shadow
Human and Universal Energy association is little heard of in Geneva. Its leader, Tri-Thien Nguyen, is quite scrupulous about staying within the norms of legality. No complaints have been registered since its founding in 1992. Neither with police, nor with anti-sect groups. "For the moment, we believe they are not dangerous, explains François Bellanger, Department of Justice and Police expert on sects. If there is a risk, it's not quantifiable." Rudolph Huser, director of Palexpo, rings the same bell. "It's not the first time they are renting a hall to come together. I never had any problems with them and they always paid on the nail.»
The weekend congress is to take place without any clashes. And without Master Dang.

With contribution of: Michel Dumoulin, Bruxelles


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