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Universal Energy Movement

Gathering of Dasira Narada Followers in Brussels

Master Dang Eases Pains And Wallets
Luc W.: My Wife Is Gone...


Page 17
Wednesday, 7 September 1994

Read original here.

Some 1 250 adepts gathered from Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, France or Germany, to congregate from Saturday till Thursday in the Albert 1st hall of Congress Palace in Brussels. It's an important event for European adepts of Human and Universal Energy. Vietnamese American Mr.Dang, or Luong Minh Dang, aka Dasira Narada III, offers his European followers to gather there for opening their «chakras» by laying of hands. What's that? A sect, of course, headed by Mr.Dang, the only wiseman in the world capable of «opening seven chakras to 100%» for everybody, who rules from Saint-Louis, Missouri (United States). Officially titled International Human and Universe Energy Research Institute, the organization has two legs in Belgian capital territory, in Watermael-Boitsfort and in Brussels.

Adepts have various levels of initiation, those whose chakras are fully open can draw energy of the universe to give free healing to own fellows via simple laying of hands. At first very popular in the Vietnamese circles, the movement has now principally extended to native population and turned into a movement that banks on the appeal of physical healing. An excerpt from «Treatment of diseases using universal energy therapy»: AIDS is treated by laying of hands on Chakras No. 2, 3 and 7 during a quarter of an hour per day, for ten days; hay fever is dealt with by working Chakra 5 and placing two fingers on nasal bone; etc.

These conman practices have a price: 6 000 francs (Translator: ~150 Euro) participation fee per person.

Brussels event is worth keeping an eye on: in 1991, the gourou announced an international catastrophe for the 22nd of October and recommended to make reserves of drinking water treated by sea salt, medicinal whitewash and fine sand. As for the baths, they can henceforth be taken with potassium alum...

Luc W.: «My wife disappeared in this sect»
Physical therapist, Luc W... married in 1989 a Vietnamese political refugee. They lived in Schaerbeek and did not practice any specific religion, except for 1987, when after the death of her father, Mrs W... to be and  her mother periodically visited one of the pagodas in the capital.

In November 1990, on the invitation of Vietnamese doctors, the couple takes part in a conference at Brussels Érasme Hospital on «universal energy of cosmos». This turned out to be an initiation movement consisting of seven levels, Mrs W... gets very much interested, and thus Luc and his wife attend two first levels of initiation held in Brussels in Vietnamese.

Luc did not very much understand what those courses were really about despite dedicated translation of his wife. As for her, she stays very enthusiastic and in February 1991 she travels to Saint Louis (Missouri) to study a seven-day long level three. She returns enchanted, praying her husband to do the same, and Luc agrees: in May 1991, he and 150 other Europeans find themselves in a Saint Louis hotel to reach Level 3. Spiritual deliberations he witnesses there help him realise it's just another sect: he returns to Belgium, «warns» his wife, who does not want to hear anything and instead heads to study further levels in June.

This is the beginning of separation: she returns to Zaventem, announces her intention to divorce - she never spoke of this further -, leaves again in September with her mother, returns then announces her upcoming departure for a few days in the beginning of October: Mr.Dang announced to his adepts of the upcoming imminent natural catastrophe, so Mrs.W... and her circle - all of whom will make the trip, except for her husband - are packing big suitcases. On 8th of October they leave in a taxi... and Mrs.W... wil never return to Belgium.

A few phone calls the first days after departure to the United States, then the separation turns out permanent. In a roundabout way Luc learns that Mr.Dang has shortly after presented himself as a future king of Vietnam (? ), when Mrs.W... was to become a Prime Minister. Luc's wife became one of the first ladies in the sect hierarchy, if not the official companion of Mr.Dang. Luc one day contacted by a Belgian lawyer on the subject of divorce, refuses to believe this happened without some brainwashing.

Anonymous letters, posted from France, Canada, United States, did not give Luc any lead on where she is today. United States? Vietnam? Taïwan? Egypt? The traces, despite active engagement of Belgian ministry of the foreign affairs, did not give a clue. Regretfully, in 1992 Luc declared disappearance of his wife to Schaerbeek police...

A. L.
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